So after a long stint in Cape Town, I am back in the Kalahari and loving it!!!
My next project is about to start in 2 or so months but I first want to drive around through the whole park to get a feeling for where all the leopards, prides of lion and cheetahs move around. At the same time I will be checking out all the dens of hyaenas and foxes, jackals, nests of birds of pray, and all animal movements! Then in late January 2011 my new project will be in off and on its way to being another very interesting and educational period in my life.
What makes it even more interested, and enjoyable :), for me is that I now have my partner ‘Noa’ here with me doing the FILMING for the new project!!! This means that now I will be able to share with all of you short film clips as well as my photos and stories along the way. You can keep track of, and in touch with, me through my website, twitter, facebook and this BLOG! 🙂 I will be updating it daily (or trying to at least as connectivity up here can be challenging at times) so check this blog regularly for updates from me on the dynamic and action-packed Kalahari!!!
Introducing Me, Noa and my new baby (photographic vehicle) at our home in the Kalahari:
Check in tomorrow for my next bit of news…!