Hi all…wow thanks for all the nice comments and compliments about my photo from yesterday. I really appreciate it! It is one of my favourites so I am really glad you liked it.
So from all the excitement yesterday, today’s photo is from one if my favourite places in the Kalahari – Polentswa. This tree is one of the ones I love to shoot in my photos as it seems to frame things nicely. As you can see, I think it is also beautiful enough to have it as the subject all by itself. Capturing lightening is not easy to do but I have gotten pretty good at it over my years up here in the Kalahari. This place gives me lots of chances to practice I guess. There are a few different elements going on in this shot which to me makes it interesting and has a feeling captured in it. The illuminated tree in the foreground with the dark purple clouds and lightening strikes in the background make this photo feel eerie and ominous. Thunder storms out in the middle of nowhere tend to have this feeling though.
Take a look and let me know what you think…
I hear that it is a public holiday tomorrow so enjoy it! Do something outdoors if you can!
Cheers til tomorrow…