Hi all…it has definitely been a week of cats and their behaviour so far and seems like it is continuing with today’s photograph too. The one I am sharing with you today is of another beautiful big male resting next to a tree, having a good shake of his head. I like this one because his mane is blurred because of the action happening to it but the rest of his face is still pretty in focus. His lip also looks funny with the little bit of pin sticking out as his head shakes it around. I don’t know if you guys can see this much detail but his coat and the bottom part of his dark mane look really great and in good condition. He is a good-looking male that’s for sure. The little bit of green grass that he is lying on under the tree is also a welcome change to my photos so I enjoy this part of it as well.
Take a look and let me know what you think.
Cheers til tomorrow.
P.S. tomorrows blog might be delayed a bit as it my birthday today and I can hear my friend JACK calling me, later 🙂