Black Kite Behaviour

Hi all…you are in for a treat again today as I am spoiling you with another two-picture post. So I was talking about the rain yesterday and all the patches of green around. It makes for great photography which will be coming up on the blog shortly throughout this week but today I have some long-awaited birds-of-prey photographs for you. Today my subject is the Black Kite. These opportunistic hunters like to glide on the thermals in search of food and are also known to scavenge, which is kind of weird for birds.  It prefers hunting other birds, bats and rodents but will go for carrion occasionally. The first of the photographs is a little funny one just to show the misery this Kite felt after it got completely drenched in the heavy rainfall we got here. The background is dark and gloomy, enhancing the mood of this poor bird that is all puffed-up trying to dry itself in the early morning. This was taken at Achterlonie picnic site with my Nikon D2X and Nikon 600mm lens.

Take a look…

The next is a nice bird-behaviour shot that I got of another Black Kite catching termites in mid-flight. I really like how the subject pops from its bright blue background where you can even see the tiny termite about to meet its doom. This was taken with my Nikon D3s and Nikon 600mm f4.


Appreciate the kites today folks. Cheers til tomorrow.