Buzz Off!

Hi all…so I am pretty excited about sharing this one with you today because it is of one of the leopards I managed to find around here. They are pretty difficult to find and it takes a lot of time and dedication to sit out in the bush waiting to find them. I have a few spots that I check regularly but most of the time I am unsuccessful. This photograph is one of the beautiful leopards lying in the unbelievably green grass we have around here now. It looks more like any of the National Parks in SA around here than the Kalahari but hey, I’m not complaining. I really like this photograph because you rarely view the leopards around here resting somewhere. They are usually up-and-about and on the move which obviously makes photographing them more difficult. So I was blessed with a fantastic opportunity here to gather as many images as I could. I also love it because of the curling tail (I know you’ll like this Basie ;)) that is prominent in the picture. This is showing that the leopard is frustrated which I found out, after taking a closer look, was because of the flies that were bothering it. I love how this expression is also reflected in the frown on its face. Animals are incredibly expressive if you just take the time to look.

Take a look and let me know what you think…

Cheers til tomorrow guys.

Shy Drinker

Hi all…congrats to everyone who survived their Monday. Today I have a photograph for you that is kind of special because it is of a rarely seen animal during the day in the bush. It is also the rarest hyena at this point in time – The Brown Hyena. These animals make me excited when I see them out in the open because they are nocturnal and they are very shy and like to forage for food alone. They do not have specific territories that they keep but have a social hierarchy, much like wolves, where there is an alpha male and female in their small clans. I find their appearance pretty funny actually, and kind of cute, with their striped legs, pointy ears and then this shaggy brown-black coat.  This one came out to grab a refreshing drink at one of the many puddles left around here after one of the big rainstorms we keep getting. You can almost smell that sweet new-rain smell in this photograph. This was taken with my Nikon D3 and Nikon 300mm f2.8.

Take a look and let me know what you think…

Cheers til tomorrow.