Good morning everyone… What a name!!! It’s actually Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori), and its one of the largest birds in the world. Males will weigh as much as 17 kg while the females weigh about half that. It is also the heaviest flying bird in the world! It is difficult for them to fly because of their size.
Scientists who have studied them see a very strange relationship between them and another bird known as a carmine bee eater. The bee eater will sit on the back of the kori’s to catch the bugs that the bustards stir up, and in return the bustards benefit because the bee eaters appear to be aware of predators sooner than the kori bustard.
Take a look and let me know what you think…
Great capture of the largest flying bird in the world Hannes. Now for one in flight…lol.. 🙂 See you soon !
Jis Basie,
Lekker man, jy weet mos die bastard vlieg altyd met sy stertvere weg van jou!!!! Sien jou saterdagaand by Samevloeiing!!!! Gaan lekker wees! Ry veilig!